Dag Heward-Mills is the president of the Healing Jesus Campaign, a ministry that carries the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world through massive evangelistic crusades accompanied by healing miracles, signs and wonders. These crusades have reached hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world from Africa, through Europe to South America. To fulfill the scripture in Matt 25:35-36, these crusades present the full gospel in powerful preaching, divine healing, free medical outreaches, distribution of clothes to the poor and the free distribution of books to all converts and local pastors. Some authentic supernatural occurrences that have been documented in this doctor-turned-preacher’s healing meetings indeed confirm the scripture in Acts 2:22, a man approved of God among you by miracles, signs and wonders; the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, chronic diseases have vanished, the demon afflicted have been delivered and even the dead raised. The Healing Jesus Campaign continues to transform multitudes wherever they go with the power of the blood of Jesus. As we transcend international boundaries, we pray for God’s mercy, favour and grace upon this remarkable ministry. Only eternity can tell how much the ministry of Healing Jesus Campaign has impacted its generation.