“…And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name …they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover” Mark 16:17.
Healing is an integral part of the great plethora of divine activities in the whole Bible. Healing miracles reveal the presence, mercy and approval of God. Healing miracles are expected to accompany every believer’s ministry. However in epoch of the history of Christianity, there have always been men of God with a significant healing anointing.
This article lists a few noted modern evangelist and preachers with remarkable healing manifestations accompanying their ministries.

Benny Hinn

People around the globe know Pastor Benny Hinn as a noted evangelist, teacher, and the author of best-selling books including Good Morning, Holy Spirit, Prayer That Gets Results, Blood in the Sand, and Lamb of God. His TV program, This Is Your Day, is among the world´s most-watched Christian programs, seen daily in 200 countries.  Pastor Benny continues to take the message of God’s life-saving and miracle-working power of the Gospel around the globe

Reinhard Bonke

Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke gave his life to the Lord at age nine and heard the call to do missionary work in Africa before he was even a teenager. However, it was after he graduated from the Bible college in Wales and his relocation to Africa (Lesotho) to actually start the missionary work that his call really became clear to him. 
One night he had a dream where he saw the whole continent of Africa being washed in the precious Blood of Jesus. Though it was a struggle initially to hold crusades, be persisted by the help of the Holy Spirit and has recorded over 1.6 million people attending one crusade session.

Nathan Morris

Shake The Nations was launched in 2006, as the Evangelistic Ministry of Nathan Morris. Nathan, who is the Founder and President of Shake The Nations Ministries, became a Christian in 2002 when he had a powerful salvation experience. Since this time, Nathan has been passionately pursuing his call of seeing multitudes reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ all over the world.
Since the ministry’s conception in 2006, Shake The Nations has had the privilege of preaching to many thousands of people at large Gospel crusades across the nations of the world. Initial Gospel crusades were held in remote areas of Africa and India. In these crusades, the Shake The Nations team witnessed over 100,000 Muslims and Hindus convert to Christianity. Also, many documented healings took place, with the blind, deaf and crippled all testifying to their healing.

Dag Heward-Mills

Healing Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills is well known around the world as a notable teacher of the Word of God and a best-selling author. However, in recent times his ministry as an evangelist has taken center stage. Fulfilling the scripture in Matthew 25:35-36, his evangelist ministry, Healing Jesus Campaign, has presented the full gospel of Jesus Christ through powerful preaching, divine healing, pastors’ conferences, free medical care and distribution of clothes to the needy. Now in its 93th season since it began in 2004, HJC has recorded massive crowds, over 6.1 million decisions for Christ and notable miracles such as are recorded in Jesus’ ministry: the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, chronic diseases are healed and even the dead are raised.

Dr Ladonna C. Osbourne

Dr. T. L. Osborn was the first missionary evangelist to go to non-Christian nations, to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in open fields.
The ministries of Dr. T. L. Osborn, Dr. Daisy Washburn-Osborn and Dr. LaDonna Osborn have made a great impact on the world. The ministry was instituted in 1949 as a world evangelism and missionary church organization.
The guiding principle and motto is stated as follows ”One way – Jesus Christ; One Job – Evangelism”. For nearly 70 years, this ministry has preached the gospel of Jesus Christ to millions in over 100 nations.

Carlos Annacondia

The on-going Argentinean revival is acknowledged to be the “headwaters of revival” that have spilled over to other pockets of the world like Toronto and Pensacola Florida: revivals that have eventually sizzled out. The Argentine revival is showing no signs of fading since Carlos Annacondia first exploded on the scene with revival fire in 1982. The continuing impact of his ministry, along with others like Claudio Freidzon, is still being felt throughout the past 26 years of revival.
Huge open-air evangelistic campaigns by Carlos Annacondia have attracted widespread attention and they play an important role in the Argentine Revival. Attendance figures are reaching record numbers and surprising events of the miraculous are taking place in these meetings: signs, wonders, healings and especially deliverances from the demonic.
Former businessman turned evangelist, Carlos Annacondia has been a key figure in the Argentine Revival. During Annacondia’s massive evangelistic campaigns, sinners typically run to the altar with up to two million believed to have made first-time decisions for Christ.

Chris Oyakhilome

Through an anointed ministry spanning over 25 years, Pastor, teacher, healing minister, television host and bestselling author Pastor Chris Oyakhilome (PhD) has helped millions experience a victorious and purposeful life in God’s word. He holds massive teaching and healing crusades like the Higher Life Conference and Night of Bliss with crowds of 3.5 million in a single night’s event. The world renowned Healing School is a ministry of Pastor Chris which manifests the healing works of Jesus Christ today, and has helped many receive healings and miracles through the gifts of the Spirit in operation.

Robert Kayanja

Pastor Robert Kayanja son of the late Rev. Walakira and brother to the Archbishop of York, John Sentamu, called at the age of 17 and launched into ministry at 22 is founder and Senior Pastor of East and Central Africa’s largest Church Sanctuary in the heart of Kampala, the Rubaga Miracle Centre Cathedral -a debt free 10,500 seater with over 3,000 branches.
For over 25 years proclaiming the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in more than 68 nations of the world through mass Miracle Crusades with over 500,000 people in attendance, his ministry is perpetually followed by miracles, signs and wonders

Rony Tan

Pastor Rony Tan is the founder and Senior Pastor of a mega-church called Lighthouse Evangelism in Singapore. Apart from his pulpit ministry on most Sundays, he also ministers in the Miracle Service every Saturday. Literally thousands have been saved, healed and delivered at the weekly Miracle Service. 
His emphasis is on the well-being of the total man: spirit, soul and body (including the facets of attitude, emotion and finance). He also conducts mass healing crusades overseas.

Joel Hitchcock

Dr. Joel and Heidi Hitchcock have ministered to multitudes around the world for 24 years of full time ministry. Joel and Heidi’s passion is to uplift the Name of Jesus, bring the Message of Christ to multitudes around the world, produce evidence of the resurrection of Jesus Christ by the confirmation of the Message by miracles, signs and wonders, seed the world with the many books that Joel has written and plant churches across America and around the world.

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