Burning of Books in the Church

Throughout the history of the Christian church, Satan has consistently employed a divisive strategy, leading to internal conflicts among pastors and between pastors and their congregants. In this present era of the Christian community, God has harnessed the writings of Bishop Dag Heward-Mills to counter these divisive tactics of the enemy. His book series on loyalty and disloyalty has played a pivotal role in helping many churches overcome the divisive strategies of Satan. Those who oppose such books often do so because these writings reveal their true nature.

Romans 16:17-18 admonishes believers to “mark them which cause division and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.” Bishop Dag Heward-Mills’ writings on loyalty and disloyalty provide a means to identify and mark these deceptive tactics employed by Satan to undermine the Church of God.

Interestingly, Satan’s response to these writings mirrors his historical reactions to figures like John Huss and Martin Luther. Just as he sought to suppress their ideas by burning books, Satan attempts to do the same with the works of Dag Heward-Mills. This underscores the significance of these writings in combating division within the Christian body and further highlights the enduring struggle between spiritual enlightenment and the forces of darkness.