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Best Books for Christian Marriages: Model Marriage, Love and Respect etc

To assist those seeking God’s wisdom for a successful marriage, we have compiled a list of the best books for Christian marriages. 

“And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:13). Love is one of the major driving forces in the world. Many people are motivated by love, which is why the romantic genre is so popular—people are naturally drawn to love.

Best Books for Christian marriages

Marriage is a beautiful institution that requires love to thrive. Unfortunately, many people today are afraid of marriage due to the high number of failed marriages. I believe many marriages fail because people refuse to accept God’s wisdom concerning it. God instituted marriage, and we should seek His guidance to succeed in it.

Model Marriage

“Model Marriage” by Dag Heward-Mills is one of the best books for Christian marriages. This marriage counseling handbook covers the majority of what a married couple needs to know about marriage.

Best Books for Christian marriages

Dag Heward-Mills is a bestselling author who has written over 100 books on various Christian topics. His extensive years of experience counseling married couples have been distilled into the “Model Marriage” book. 

“Model Marriage” teaches couples the importance of having God at the center of their marriage. The author explains that the closer each partner gets to God, the closer they become to each other. Marriage is meant to draw us closer to God, not away from Him. The book also highlights the three aspects of love that must be present for any marriage to experience happiness:

1. Agape love: This unconditional love allows one to love their partner despite their flaws.

2. Phileo: This brotherly and sisterly love fosters genuine friendship within the marriage.

3. Eros: This passionate and romantic love is essential for a fulfilling marriage.

All three aspects of love must be present for a marriage to experience true happiness. “Model Marriage” also provides many other keys to elevate your marriage, including discussions on sex in marriage and how couples can improve their sex life. This book is a valuable resource for any married couple looking to strengthen their relationship.

Saving your marriage before it starts 

“Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts,” written by Les and Leslie Parrott, is a valuable resource for both married and unmarried couples. It is particularly recommended for those who are not yet married, as it helps them understand the realities of marriage and the essential questions to ask before beginning their journey. 

Best Books for Christian marriages

This book is also widely used by counselors and churches to prepare newly engaged couples for their future together. With over a million copies sold, it has helped many engaged and newlywed couples achieve lifelong love in marriage.

“Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts” helps newlyweds uncover the misconceptions about marriage. Many marriages fail due to the unrealistic expectations couples bring into the relationship. This book aids engaged couples in managing their expectations and correcting misconceptions, preventing future disappointments. 

Through reading, couples learn about the importance of communication, conflict resolution, and financial management in marriage. “Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts” is a transformative book for every newlywed, married, and engaged couple.

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus 

“Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus,” written by Dr. John Gray, offers a classic guide to understanding the opposite sex. Marriages sometimes fail because both partners are speaking different languages. 

Best Books for Christian marriages

This book draws a parallel to the Tower of Babel: the construction caught God’s attention because everyone involved had one mind and spoke the same language. To stop the project, God made the builders speak different languages, leading to arguments and halting the construction. Similarly, building a marriage cannot succeed if both parties speak different languages and fail to understand each other.

A key point of the book is that men and women communicate differently and need to understand each other better. Dr. John Gray explains that men are logical beings while women are emotional beings. A man should not relate to a woman as he would to another man, and vice versa, as this leads to confusion and conflict in marriage. 

“Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus” highlights the importance of recognizing and bridging these differences to improve marital communication and harmony. To better understand your husband or wife, make it a point to read Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus by Dr John Gray. 

The Marriage Covenant: A Biblical secret for a love that lasts 

“The Marriage Covenant,” written by Derek Prince, is a powerful guide to building a strong, resilient marriage. Derek Prince, one of the greatest teachers of the 20th century, greatly impacted many believers through his teachings. In “The Marriage Covenant,” Prince explains that it is possible to overcome marital difficulties and emerge stronger by following God’s plan for marriage. Marriage covenant by Derek Prince is one of the best books for Christian Marriages.

Best Books for Christian marriages

The key to such a marriage is for the couple to understand and commit to God’s intent for marriage. God’s design has always been for the husband to be the head and the wife to be the helper. The husband’s priority should be to love his wife as Christ loved the church.

As stated in Ephesians 5:25, “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.” Conversely, the wife’s main duty is to submit to her husband, as instructed in Ephesians 5:22-23: “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body.”

Prince emphasizes that marriage is a covenant, and for a marriage to be blessed by God, both husband and wife must fulfill their parts of the covenant. Couples who read and apply the advice in “The Marriage Covenant” can transform their marriages from bitterness to bliss. A happy marriage is indeed possible.

Love the way to victory 

“Love: The Way to Victory,” written by Kenneth E. Hagin, is a wonderful book that, although not exclusively for married couples, teaches us a great deal about love. Love is crucial for a successful marriage.

Best Books for Christian marriages

There are two types of love: human love and God’s love. Human love is often conditional, lasting only as long as the other person meets certain expectations. In contrast, God’s love, known as agape, is unconditional and persists despite the faults and issues that couples may see in each other.

Kenneth E. Hagin explains that God’s kind of love is a fruit that one develops, which is different from a gift. Loving someone despite their faults mirrors how God loves us. God loved us while we were still sinners and chose to die for us. This agape love is crucial for a long-lasting marriage. It is the love that forgives and covers many wrongdoings.

Without agape love, both partners may harbor bitterness and offense in their marriage. As described in 1 Corinthians 13:4, “Love is always patient; love is always kind; love is never envious or arrogant with pride. Nor is she conceited, and she is never rude; she never thinks just of herself or ever gets annoyed. Is never glad with sin; she’s always glad to side with truth, and pleased that truth wins.”

Developing this kind of love is essential for a couple to build a strong, enduring relationship.

Love and respect 

“Love & Respect” is a book written by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs that explores the importance of proper communication in marriage. In “Love & Respect,” Dr. Eggerichs introduces the concept of the “crazy cycle,” which occurs when there is a negative communication pattern in a marriage.

Best Books for Christian marriages

This cycle happens when one partner does something that feels disrespectful to the other, prompting a negative response, which in turn perpetuates the negative cycle.

The key to a successful marriage is breaking this negative cycle of communication. To do so, both partners must understand each other’s needs. By showing love and respect to one another, a couple can break the negative cycle and strengthen their marriage.

According to Dr. Eggerichs, a woman’s primary need is love, while a man’s primary need is respect. These needs are fundamental and not merely wants; without love and respect, a marriage is likely to falter.

“Love & Respect” is filled with practical advice and exercises to help couples cultivate a positive communication cycle in their marriage. The book offers valuable insights into the essential elements needed to make a marriage work, providing couples with the tools to enhance their relationship.

Five Love languages: The Secretes to love that lasts 

“Five Love Languages” is a book written by Dr. Gary Chapman, a New York Times bestseller with over 5 million copies sold. In this book, Dr. Chapman explains that everyone perceives love differently. Even though love is crucial in marriage, a spouse can feel unloved if love is not communicated in a way they understand.

Best Books for Christian marriages

Dr. Chapman outlines the five different love languages and emphasizes the importance of identifying, understanding, and speaking your spouse’s primary love language.

The five love languages Dr. Chapman describes are: Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch. By learning and using your spouse’s love language, you can express love in a way that they truly understand and appreciate. The book provides practical steps for couples to love each other in ways that are meaningful to them.

Dr. Gary Chapman also hosts a nationally syndicated daily radio show called “A Love Language Minute,” which can be heard on more than 150 radio stations. Additionally, he has another show called “Building Relationships with Gary Chapman,” where he helps couples understand the importance of love languages in marriage.

Conclusion on the best books for Christian marriages 

Maintaining a long-lasting marriage requires effort from both partners. God never intended marriage to be a battleground or a place of constant conflict and hurt. His original intent for marriage was unity and happiness. Many marriages end in divorce because couples are unwilling to follow God’s design for marriage.

According to this design, the husband is to be the head, and the wife is to be his helper. Conflicts often arise when the wife struggles to submit to her husband.

The books discussed in this article are valuable resources for couples seeking to improve their marriage. It is possible to build a marriage that withstands life’s various challenges. Your marriage can and should endure if it is based on God’s plan. As a couple, make it a point to read all the books outlined in the article. Doing so will help you understand your spouse better and learn how to be a better husband or wife.

Даг Хьюард-Миллс проводит крупнейшую пасторскую конференцию в мире

Конференция «Отдайся полностью» 2023 года — это крупнейшая пасторская конференция в мире на сегодняшний день. Тысячи пасторов и церковных служащих со всех уголков мира собрались, чтобы принять участие в этом преобразовательном мероприятии, организованном епископом Дагом Хьюард-Миллсом. Во время конференции помазанные служители Евангелия поделились практическими мыслями о выполнении работы служения.

Конференция «Отдай себя целиком»

Первоначально названное «Конференция железного служения точит железо», это мероприятие было основано в 2004 году Дагом Хьюард-Миллсом, видным деятелем в области пастырства мегацерков, авторских бестселлеров, исцеляющей евангелизации и выступлений на конференциях.

Впоследствии она претерпела ребрендинг и теперь известна как «Конференция «Отдай себя целиком». На протяжении всего своего развития в этой конференции участвовал выдающийся состав всемирно известных пасторов, в том числе такие светила, как пастор Бенни Хинн, доктор Пол Эненш, доктор Дэвид Саммрал, архиепископ Николас Дункан Уильямс и многие другие известные личности.

Даг Хьюард-Миллс

Последняя часть конференции прошла в престижном Учебном центре Библии и служения Анагказо в Мампонге, Гана. В качестве уважаемых докладчиков к епископу Дагу Хьюард-Миллсу присоединились преподобный Доминик Йео, который возглавляет одну из крупнейших общин Сингапура; пастор Том Дашель, видный лидер Зимбабве; и Иван Кастано, пастор крупнейшей церкви Европы, а также Мохаммед Саного, значительная фигура во французской христианской общине.

Даг Хьюард-Миллс

Что отличало эту конференцию, так это впечатляющее собрание тысяч пасторов из разных уголков мира. Эти пасторы очень хотели услышать, как епископ Даг Хьюард-Миллс разъясняет принципы служения.

Участники приехали из стран Франции, Сингапура, Америки, Бразилии, Мадагаскара, Южной Африки, Антигуа и других стран, что сделало это мероприятие поистине глобальным собранием с представителями всех континентов.

Ожидание крупнейшей пасторской конференции, организованной Дагом Хьюард-Миллсом

Энтузиазм был настолько велик, что большой зал, вмещавший пять тысяч человек, переполнился, что потребовало установки открытой площадки для размещения лишних посетителей. Осязаемое предвкушение и ожидание были осязаемы перед каждым сеансом, поскольку эти мужи Божьи жаждали почерпнуть божественное понимание.

Во время конференции епископ Даг Хьюард-Миллс извлек из своей книги «Добрый генерал» глубокие учения. Однажды он сосредоточился на «выборе и поддержании цели». Он красноречиво продемонстрировал, как намерение, стоящее за действием, может либо улучшить, либо испортить его результат.

Даг Хьюард-Миллс

Проводя параллели с врачом, юристом и пастором, он объяснил, как цель может повлиять на решения и мотивы представителей этих профессий. Например, врач, движимый денежной выгодой, может порекомендовать ненужные анализы, чтобы увеличить доход.

В дополнение к поучениям епископ Даг молился за всех присутствующих пасторов, передавая различные благодати, в том числе благодать на строительство. Те пасторы, которые боролись с конструктом.

Отзывы пасторов, присутствовавших на конференции «Отдайся полностью», свидетельствуют о ее глубоком влиянии. Пастор Берни из Шотландии выразил восхищение, заявив: «Потрясающие ожидания оправдались всего за одно занятие».

Даг Хьюард-Миллс

Конференция оказалась опытом, изменившим жизнь многих пасторов, и тем, кто пропустил мероприятие в этом году, мы настоятельно рекомендуем сделать его приоритетом для участия в следующем году.

Конференция «Отдайся полностью» 2023 года преодолела географические границы и культурные барьеры, объединив пасторов в их общем стремлении к духовному росту, совершенству в служении и достижению божественной цели.

Она является маяком надежды и вдохновения для пасторов во всем мире, укрепляя дух единства и сотрудничества, который звучит далеко после заключительного дня конференции. Конференция «Отдай себя полностью» — это, без сомнения, крупнейшая пасторская конференция в Гане.

Pastors with Miracle Ministries in Ghana  

The miracle ministry of a Pastor is a significant aspect of their calling that elevates them from obscurity. Throughout the book of Acts, the Gospel of Jesus was consistently accompanied by signs and wonders. A Pastor should not only seek the teaching anointing but also the healing anointing. In this article, we compile a list of Pastors with Miracle Ministries in Ghana. The Miracle ministry is not limited to Christians but extends to those who are not saved as well. 

Pastors with Miracle Ministries in Ghana

An example of someone with the miracle ministry in the Bible was Philip the evangelist. The scripture in Acts 8:5-8 reads, “Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ to them. And the multitudes with one accord heeded the things spoken by Philip, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did.” The outcome of the city’s encounter with the miracle ministry was great joy. Without further delay, let’s explore the lives and ministries of some Pastors in Ghana with a miracle ministry.

Dag Heward-Mills 

Bishop Dag Heward-Mills is the founder of the United Denominations originating from the Lighthouse Group of Churches, and he is also recognized as one of the prominent healing evangelists on Earth today. A significant aspect of his ministry dedicated to world evangelism is the Healing Jesus Campaign, which aims to save 100 million souls. During each campaign, many people testify of the miracles they experienced during the ministration of Bishop Dag Heward-Mills.

Pastors with Miracle Ministries in Ghana

Under his ministry, countless individuals have experienced miracles such as blind eyes being opened, the deaf hearing, the dead being raised, and the healing of cancers, among many others. Today, the healing Jesus Campaign is one of the largest evangelistic efforts on the planet today. Additionally, Dag Heward-Mills is a bestselling Christian author with over 40 million books published.

Lawrence tetteh 

Dr. Lawrence Tetteh is the president and founder of Worldwide Miracle Outreach, located in London, UK. He was ordained as a Reverend while pursuing his Ph.D. by Dr. T.L. Osborne and Archbishop Benson Idahosa in the United Kingdom. Dr. Lawrence serves as a televangelist, philanthropist, public speaker, and hosts the Miracle Touch TV program globally.

He is also known for the healing miracles that occur during his services. On several occasions, many have testified to how God used him to cure limb-length discrepancies, a condition where one’s limbs are of different lengths. Throughout his life and ministry, Dr. Lawrence Tetteh has collaborated with esteemed men of God such as T.L. Osborn, Oral Roberts, Archbishop Benson Idahosa, Kenneth E. Hagin, and Dr. Morris Cerullo.

Nanasei Opoku Sarkodie

Prophet Nanasei Opoku-Sarkodie is the founder and general overseer of the Praying Family Chapel and the World Prayer Center, a non-denominational prayer commission. He serves as the pastor of the Potter’s City Church, located in Prampram, Ghana. Prophet Nanasei Opoku-Sarkodie has been greatly used by God in the prophetic office, delivering messages of deliverance to many Christians who have been bound by the powers of darkness.

Pastors with Miracle Ministries in Ghana

He possesses insight into the plans and purposes of God as both a prophet and an apostle. Prophet Nanasei also demonstrates a passion for the youth in Ghana, having founded an outreach ministry to proclaim the gospel message to students in various tertiary institutions across the country. Additionally, he has authored several books on fasting, faith, healing, and deliverance.

Charles Agyin-asare 

Bishop Charles Agyin-asare is the founder of Perez Chapel International. He is one of the prominent men of God in Ghana today, known to have a miracle ministry. Bishop Charles Agyin-asare had an encounter with God while attending the morris Cerullo school of Ministry.

Pastors with Miracle Ministries in Ghana

He heard the voice of God say to him “My boy Charles, I send you out as i sent Moses; go, and I will put My word on your lips, and reach the world for me.” after hearing the voice, he decided to fast and wait on God for 3 days, after which he heard the voice of God again saying “My, boy Charles, I give unto you power over demons and principalities, heal the sick, raise the dead and preach the kingdom.” After this experience, he began to hold what he called Brother Charles Gospel Crusades, which attracted many with undeniable proofs of the holy ghost. 

Top Bible Schools to Attend in Ghana

If you are a pastor or Christian who believes that God has called you to serve Him, I recommend attending a Bible school to receive effective ministry training. Your longevity and success as a pastor in ministry depend greatly on the quality of training you receive in your formative years. Many renowned men of God, such as Reinhard Bonnke, David Yonggi Cho, and Archbishop Benson Idahosa, attended Bible schools that significantly impacted their ministries for the better.

One top Bible school in Ghana that I highly recommend to anyone who believes they are called by God is the Anagkazo Bible and Ministry Training Center located in Mampong, Ghana. Founded by one of God’s generals in our time, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, the Anagkazo Bible and Ministry Training Center was established out of his desire to see many men and women of God trained for the work of the ministry.

Who is Dag Heward-Mills?

Dag Heward-Mills is a bestselling Christian author, healing evangelist, international conference speaker, mega-church pastor, and founder of the United Denominations originating from the Lighthouse Group of Churches (UDOLGC). The Lighthouse Church, founded in 1987, started in a classroom with just a few people. Since then, the church has expanded to nearly 4,000 branches in over 52 countries.

Another significant aspect of Dag Heward-Mills’s ministry is the Healing Jesus Campaign, which is currently the largest evangelistic effort taking place in Africa. He is also an anointed teacher of the Word who has published over 40 million books worldwide. His books have been a tremendous blessing to many pastors and Christians worldwide. Attending the Anagkazo Bible and Ministry Training Center offers an opportunity to learn from the life and ministry of Dag Heward-Mills.

Why You Should Attend the  Anagkazo Bible and Ministry Training Center?

The Anagkazo Bible and Ministry Training Center stands out from many other Bible institutions due to the practical ministry experience it provides to students. Each ABMTC student is allowed to start a church in a nearby town.

During the church-building process, they are trained and equipped on how to pastor and grow a congregation. Just as David in the Bible would not have had the confidence to face Goliath if he had not trained to kill a lion and a bear, the success of a pastor also depends on practical ministry training long before facing major challenges. The practical training provided by ABMTC makes it one of the top Bible institutions in Ghana.

The Production of Scholarly Pastors

ABMTC aims to train pastors to become both anointed and scholarly. Bishop Oyedepo, the pastor of one of the largest churches in the world today, said, “There is no mountain anywhere; everybody’s mountain is his ignorance.” A lack of knowledge in a pastor will hinder them from achieving great things for God.

To overcome the mountain of ignorance, ABMTC takes its students through a rigorous educational curriculum aimed at providing them with the knowledge needed to excel in ministry.

If you desire training in the work of the ministry, make the decision today to become a student at the Anagkazo Bible and Ministry Training Center. Your ministry will be transformed. Click the link to find out more.

Top Pastors conferences to attend in ghana

Every year, pastors from around the globe gather at the annual Give Thyself Wholly Conference hosted by Bishop Dag Heward-Mills. This conference serves as a platform for pastors and church workers aiming to enhance their fruitfulness in ministry.

Drawing thousands of pastors from various African countries and beyond, it unquestionably stands as the premier pastors’ conference to attend in Ghana.

Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, the host pastor and main speaker of the Give Thyself Wholly Conference, is among the distinguished leaders greatly used by God to impact our generation.

His profound teachings have transformed countless lives, with over 40 million copies of his books published worldwide. His bestselling work, “Loyalty and Disloyalty,” is hailed as a powerful tool in combating the enemies of the church.

At each conference, Bishop Heward-Mills imparts wisdom from these transformative books, addressing challenges faced by pastors and offering solutions to overcome them.

With the largest evangelistic crusades on the African continent, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills’ Healing Jesus Campaigns are likened to the impactful evangelistic efforts of renowned evangelist Reinhard Bonnke.

Additionally, as the pastor of one of the fastest-growing churches with nearly 4,000 branches worldwide, Bishop Heward-Mills’ extensive experience in ministry qualifies him to provide invaluable insights to pastors.

Top Pastors conference in Ghana

The Give Thyself Wholly Conference has also had the privilege of hosting esteemed men of God such as Benny Hinn, Dr. Paul Enenche, David Summral, Archbishop Nicolas Duncan Williams, and many others. Their participation underscores the conference’s reputation as a transformative and spiritually enriching event.

The impact of the Give Thyself Wholly Conference on the ministries of pastors who attend is profound. Testimonies abound of pastors experiencing significant growth in their churches, establishing multiple branches, and acquiring their church buildings.

Top Pastors conference in Ghana

Pastor Isaac from Arete Church in Uganda expressed, “The wisdom I learned from the conference was unparalleled,” while Pastor Bernie from Scotland described after a session that he experienced “mind-blowing expectations fulfilled in just one session.”

As Jesus stated in Luke 7:35, “Wisdom is justified by all her children.” Indeed, the wisdom imparted by Bishop Dag Heward-Mills during the Give Thyself Wholly Conference is evident in the transformed ministries of pastors and church workers.

If you desire positive change in your ministry, invest in attending the Give Thyself Wholly Conference this year in Ghana, and your life will be forever impacted.

Pastors in Ghana you should listen to

As a Christian, the content you engage with holds significant importance. Words, being spiritual entities, possess the potential to wield either a positive or negative influence on an individual’s spiritual well-being. In Ezekiel 2:2, it is stated, “And the spirit entered into me when he spake unto me, and set me upon my feet, that I heard him that spake unto me.”

This verse emphasizes that the spirit entered through spoken words, underscoring the transformative power of words, whether they convey the Holy Spirit or negative influences. Ghana is blessed with charismatic preachers and teachers who have positively impacted the nation through their ministries. Let’s find out about some of the Ghanaian Pastors you should listen to. 

Kofi Oduro

Prophet Kofi Oduro stands as one of the charismatic preachers in Ghana today, leading Alabaster International Ministries. Throughout the years, he has emphasized the importance of delivering the unadulterated Word of God, considering it the ultimate truth and solution to various challenges.

Ghanaian pastors to listen to

Committed to the conversion of individuals to the Christian faith through public preaching, Prophet Kofi Oduro’s messages shape minds and raise awareness about the imminent return of Jesus Christ.

Ghanaians appreciate his practical approach to applying biblical teachings to everyday life, making his preachings impactful globally.

Elvis Agyemang

Pastor Elvis Agyemang, the founder and lead pastor of Grace Mountain Ministry in Achimota-Ofankor, Accra, also established the widely recognized online prayer revival, Alpha Hour.

Ghanaian pastors to listen to

This prayer meeting, broadcasted on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, garners over 50,000 viewers per session. Grace Mountain Ministries conducts about four services every Sunday, during which Pastor Elvis Agyemang’s preaching transforms lives through the Word of God. He is one of the young pastors greatly impacting the current generation. 

Dag Heward-Mills

Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, a sought-after worldwide conference speaker, exhibits a remarkable teaching anointing. His teachings extend beyond audio formats, as he has authored over 100 titles on ministry and Christian living.

Ghanaian pastors to listen to

Testimonies abound regarding the transformative impact of Bishop Dag Heward-Mills’ practical and down-to-earth teachings. His unwavering commitment to the truth in God’s Word positions him as a pastor in Ghana whose teachings are essential to heed.

As a megachurch pastor, healing evangelist, international conference speaker, and prolific Christian author, his influence is widespread.

Bishop James Saah

Bishop James Saah, the current president of the Dominion Theological Seminary of Action Chapel International, holds a prominent position as one of the senior Bishops at Action Chapel International, serving under Archbishop Nicolas Duncan Williams since 1989.

Ghanaian pastors to listen to

Possessing a Master’s Degree in Governance and Leadership from the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), Bishop James Saah is also a gifted teacher and author.

His books, including “The Finger of God,” “Give Me Back My Baby,” “Understanding the Issues of Life,” and his latest work, “The Power of Servanthood,” established him as an authority in the realms of servanthood and loyalty within Christian leadership.

In summary, the spiritual impact of what one listens to is profound, and these pastors in Ghana offer valuable teachings to aid spiritual growth and understanding.

Churches in Ghana with the Most Branches | An in-depth look

Ghana stands out as one of the most enchanting countries to explore in Africa, boasting not only stunning landscapes but also a vibrant array of churches and congregations. The Christian foundation in Ghana took root in the 19th century, thanks to the efforts of Basel/Presbyterian and Wesleyan/Methodist missionaries.

Churches in Ghana with the most branches

Their commitment played a pivotal role in shaping Ghana into a Christian nation. Jesus’ parting command, urging His followers to go into all the world, resonated profoundly with these missionaries.

Their obedience prevented Ghana from descending into spiritual darkness. Establishing church branches across various countries and towns became a strategy to disseminate the gospel globally.

This article delves into the discussion of Ghanaian churches that have demonstrated excellence in planting numerous branches throughout the country.

United Denominations originating from the Lighthouse group of churches 

Bishop Dag Heward-Mills established the United Denominations originating from the Lighthouse Group of Churches (UDOLGC) in 1987. Renowned as a Mega Church Pastor, healing evangelist, bestselling Christian author, and international conference speaker, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills shaped the UDOLGC with a strong commitment to missions and soul-winning.

Churches in Ghana with the most branches

The church’s humble beginnings in a classroom have blossomed into a vast network of over 3000 branches spanning across more than 90 countries. Notably, the UDOLGC prioritizes the training of pastors, sending them to initiate new branches.

The impact of the UDOLGC extends to every region in Ghana, with churches established in Greater Accra, Ashanti, Central, Eastern, Koforidua, Volta, Bono East, Upper West Region, and many others over the years.

The United Denomination originating from the lighthouse group of church (UDOLGC) is one of the churches with the most branches in Ghana. 

Church of Pentecost 

Rev. James McKeown founded the Church of Pentecost in Ghana in 1937 under the initial name of the Gold Coast Apostolic Church. The church underwent a name change in 1957, transitioning to the Ghana Apostolic Church following the country’s independence from British rule.

Churches in Ghana with the most branches

Later, at the behest of Ghana’s then-president, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, the church adopted the name “Church of Pentecost” to distinguish itself from another entity called the Apostolic Church.

Since its inception, the Church of Pentecost has evolved into a global movement, establishing a presence in more than 105 nations.

With leadership provided by Apostles, Senior Pastors, prophets, and Evangelists, the church oversees 21,802 local assemblies distributed across 2,381 districts. Apostle Eric Nyamekye currently serves as the chairman of the Church of Pentecost.

International Central Gospel Church 

Dr. Mensa Otabil established the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC) in 1979, marking it as the second Charismatic Church founded after Action Chapel International, which was established by Archbishop Nicolas Duncan Williams.

Churches in Ghana with the most branches

Dr. Mensa Otabil, a Ghanaian theologian, conference speaker, and Christian author, has been at the helm of ICGC since its official inauguration in 1984.

Under Dr. Mensa Otabil’s leadership, ICGC has expanded its reach by establishing numerous branches in Ghana and around the world. The church has also undertaken the construction of several church buildings across Ghana.

Beyond its physical presence, ICGC actively promotes the gospel through various programs, aiming to make a positive impact on the Ghanaian community.

Presbyterian Church of Ghana 

Established on December 18, 1828, by Basel missionaries from Switzerland, the Presbyterian Church of Ghana holds the distinction of being the oldest Christian church in the nation.

Churches in Ghana with the most branches

Since its inception, the church has experienced significant growth, currently boasting close to 5000 churches across Ghana.

To support the expansion of the church, the missionaries constructed a seminary aimed at training and empowering church workers for the service of God. The Basel missionaries concluded their mission in Ghana during the First World War in 1917.

Subsequently, Scottish missionaries assumed the responsibilities of the Presbyterian Church. This denomination is closely associated with its sister, known as the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Ghana.

Methodist Church of Ghana

Founded in 1835 by Rev. Joseph Dunwell, the Methodist Church in Ghana stands as one of the oldest mainline Protestant denominational churches in the country. Originating in Cape Coast, formerly known as the Gold Coast, the church has flourished, boasting over 2,500 branches and 700 pastors.

Churches in Ghana with the most branches

Tragically, Rev. Joseph Dunwell succumbed to malaria the same year he arrived in Ghana. Despite this setback, the work of God persevered as more missionaries were dispatched. While some of these missionaries also fell victim to malaria, the Methodist Church continued to expand its presence in Ghana.

Notably, the Methodist Church has made a positive impact on the Ghanaian community by contributing to the construction of schools and providing essential medical care. 

Primarily, the Methodist Church of Ghana adheres to similar Sunday worship practices as many other Protestant churches.

Bestselling Christian Authors in Ghana: Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills, Mensa Otabil, Reverend Eastwood Anaba

In the literary landscape of Ghana, bestselling Christian authors have emerged as influential voices, impacting the spiritual walk of many in the nation and beyond. Ghana has produced many notable Christian figures around the world, including works of literature that cut across denominational lines. Three people stand out among today’s Christian writers: Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills, Dr. Mensa Otabil, and Reverend Eastwood Anaba. 

Bestselling Christian Authors

A book is a very important tool in the life of a Christian: it can change the course of one’s life for the better. The ministries of many have transformed for the better through the introduction of a book. 

Then I took the little book out of the angel’s hand and ate it, and it was as sweet as honey in my mouth. But when I had eaten it, my stomach became bitter. And he said to me, “You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings.” Revelations 10:10-11

Bestselling Christian Authors

Your ministry will open to many people, nations, tongues, and kings if you take the books of great men seriously. 

Dag Heward-Mills: The Evangelical Powerhouse

Dag Heward-Mills, an evangelist and bestselling Christian author in Ghana, has earned his place among the leading voices in Christian literature with Makarios Library and its translation to multiple languages.

Bestselling Christian Authors

Some of his well-known books include “Loyalty and Disloyalty,” “Church Growth: It Is Possible,” and “Good General” which serve as in-depth studies on loyalty, building mega-churches, the art of soul-winning, and leadership. Heward-Mills’ writings are not mere texts; they are direction and wisdom keys for sharing the Gospel, growing churches, and establishing churches in all nations.

His impact stretches far and wide, as leaders worldwide embrace his passion for evangelism and church planting. One day, Dag Heward-Mills was praying to God to be fruitful and saw a vision of someone holding a book.

Bestselling Christian Authors

This vision was a message from God to him that he would be fruitful through the books he wrote. Over the years many pastors and Christians can testify that the books of Dag Heward-Mills have significantly impacted their lives. 

Dr. Mensa Otabil: Wisdom’s Torchbearer

Dr. Mensa Otabil is a pastor and theologian. Among his literature works are “Buy the Future” and “Leadership by Wisdom,” which capture wisdom that helps individuals change the way they lead themselves, problem-solve, and relate with others.

Bestselling Christian Authors

Dr. Otabil is gifted in making complex principles easy to understand. Dr. Mensa Otabil is the founder of the international central gospel church (ICGC); one of the most vibrant churches in Ghana.

He is also the founder and chancellor of Central University College and the CEO of Otabil and Associates. The remarkable thing to note about Dr. Mensa Otabil is that he is a self-educated individual who was not formally trained at any school. 

Bestselling Christian Authors

Reverend Eastwood Anaba: The Voice of Spiritual Renewal

Reverend Eastwood Anaba encompasses spiritual renewal and transformation through his writings. For example, in his books “The Love Revolution” and “Dare to be Different.”

His writings lead readers to a spiritual journey that transforms them and brings them closer to God. Anaba’s message is a call to leave mediocrity at the door and to follow holiness, prayer, and spiritual intimacy.

When reading the books of Reverend Eastwood Anaba, one will notice the depth and insight coveys from the word of God. It is without a doubt that Reverend Eastwood Anaba carries a strong teaching anointing. Books by Reverend Eastwood Anaba include Dour Kinds, Jesus Christ and an Open Heaven, An Available Vessel for the Lord’s Pleasure, and The Sons of Rest. 

Bestselling Christian Authors

Final thoughts on the top Christian authors in Ghana 

Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills, Dr. Mensa Otabil, and Reverend Eastwood Anaba’s works of literature connect with readers across the world.

They are helping bring Ghana to the front of Christian literature and their works serve as a guiding light to all Christians who are ready to take their walk with God to another level.

The books of these great men of God are guaranteed to significantly impact your life and ministry in a positive way. We can understand the ways of God better from the books we endeavor to read.

Largest Charismatic Churches in Ghana

The largest charismatic churches in Ghana are the United Denominations of the Lighthouse Group of Churches (UDOLGC), Action Chapel International, and the international central gospel church (ICGC).

Ghana is one of the main countries where one can find large and influential churches and denominations.

Largest Charismatic Churches in Ghana

The Origins of the Charismatic Denomination in Ghana was during the late 1970s and early 1980s when the emergence of the denomination brought a new and deeper wave of enthusiasm and spirituality. 

The Charismatic Movement in Ghana was founded by Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Williams, who is one of the main leaders and spiritual influences in the nation.

Below, you will see the largest churches/denominations in Ghana today.

Action Chapel International 

Largest Charismatic Churches in Ghana

Action Chapel International was founded by Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Williams in 1979, it began as a small prayer group. However, Action Chapel International today has around 200 branch churches and 2,000 affiliate ministries globally.

Archbishop Duncan Williams attended Archbishop Benson Idahosa’s Church of God Mission International Bible College in Nigeria where he trained to be a pastor. After this, he embarked on starting the Action Chapel Ministry and the Christian Action Faith Ministry in 1979, for which it was the first Charismatic church in Ghana.

Action Chapel officially has Mega-church status and is highly influential not only in Ghana but globally. The vision for Action is to “Make Christ known throughout the world through the multiplication of Churches and Denominations.” 

International Central Gospel Church (ICGC)

Largest Charismatic Churches in Ghana

The International Central Gospel Church (ICGC) was founded by Reverend Dr Mensa Otabil on February 26th, 1984. During the early meetings of the church, services took place in various facilities such as a public hall, a science laboratory, classrooms, mechanical works, and a cinema theatre. 

In May 1986, the church settled a rented Norge Scout hall called the “Baden Powell Memorial Hall” just after they reached 180 members the month before. Over the next ten years, the membership of the church rose to over 4,000. 

Today, ICGC has its headquarters in Abossey Okai, Accra. It has a church attendance of close to 50,000 with about 1150 branches globally.

The vision of ICGC is based on Acts 2:42, which is to:

“To establish the house of God through the development of Model New Testament Christians and churches …

That is, we have the commitment to train and equip God’s people who come to our church to develop and grow into maturity in Christ so they will manifest the character of Christ.”

United Denominations of the Lighthouse Group of Churches (UDOLGC)

Largest Charismatic Churches in Ghana

The founder of the Lighthouse Chapel International Denomination is Bishop Dag Heward-Mills. Dag Heward-Mills’ ministry is a flourishing ministry with over 4,000 branches, over 600,000 members in over 90 countries globally. it is one of the largest charismatic churches in Ghana.

Dag Heward Mills embarked on his journey in ministry while training to become a medical doctor during the 1980s. LCI was officially created in 1987 during his fifth year in hygiene school at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Ghana. Originally operating within the confines of the School of Hygiene Corridor, the church began to gradually grow till they moved to the School of Hygiene Canteen.

Despite much opposition from university and governmental officials as well as locals, the church moved to their own built Cathedral Korle-Gonno, Ghana. 

Prophet Dag Heward Mills is a highly influential Charismatic Mega Church Pastor, regularly holding Regional and international Pastor Conferences as well as Healing Jesus Crusades across the continent of Africa. The Charismatic Influence of LCI has truly gone beyond the border of Ghana and the continent of Africa.

The vision for LCI, also known as United Denomination (UD-OLGC), is to have churches in 190 countries. Another vision is to have 25,000 churches globally.

Final Thoughts

These Churches are proven to be the largest charismatic churches in Ghana as they have numerous branches within the country as well as expanding globally far beyond the country and the continent. The founders have been at the forefront of the charismatic movement and are highly respected within the church community 

The Bible states in Proverbs 29:18 states:

“Where there is no vision, the people perish …” 
The founders of these Charismatic churches once had and currently have a vision for their churches and denominations to expand and win many souls. Dr. David Yongi Cho and Prophet Dag Heward Mills stress that to have a large church requires one to have a vision and a burning desire. That being said, these churches and denominations have not just come out of nowhere but were built through God’s response to them having a vision as well as years of faithfulness and diligence to the work of the ministry.

Evangelists in Ghana | Dag Heward-Mills

Evangelists in Ghana hold a significant position in the global propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The nation of Ghana is indeed fortunate to be home to some of the world’s foremost evangelists.

The divine validation of their ministries is consistently evidenced by the signs, wonders, and miracles that manifest whenever they proclaim the Gospel. As Christians, it is imperative that we grow accustomed to experiencing the ministry of signs and wonders as a part of our daily lives, as promised by Jesus in Mark 16:17 to every believer.

“And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues. They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shallot hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover” Mark 16:17-18

Jesus’ anticipation for every believer encompasses a life filled with the miraculous. The Gospel should be proclaimed with accompanying signs and wonders. It is the Christian’s duty to observe the ministry of an evangelist and aspire to preach the Gospel with signs and wonders.

Evangelists in Ghana

The following compilation features some of the world’s foremost healing evangelists who are currently based in Ghana.

Dag Heward-Mills

Evangelists in Ghana

Undoubtedly, Dag Heward-Mills is among the foremost evangelists of our time. He is a prominent evangelist in Ghana. In an era when the church’s emphasis on preaching the message of salvation has waned, Dag Heward-Mills shines brightly.

He initiated the Healing Jesus Campaign with the intent of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to the farthest corners of the world. Dag Heward-Mills firmly believes that every soul is invaluable to God and that no location is too remote to share the message of the Gospel.

The primary objective of the Healing Jesus Campaign is to save 100 million souls. Under the guidance of Dag Heward-Mills, this campaign has conducted 179 distinct campaigns in 34 countries, spanning 234 cities across various continents.

Evangelists in Ghana

Since the inception of the Healing Jesus Campaign, more than 12 million souls have been converted. Presently, the Healing Jesus Campaign has touched and transformed the lives of numerous individuals in countries including Ghana, Mali, Guinea, Senegal, Guinea-Bissau, Niger, Sierra Leone, Burkina Faso, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Swaziland, and Lesotho.

Steve Mensah

Evangelists in Ghana

Reverend Steve Mensah is one if the Ghanaian evangelists significantly impacting the Kingdom of God. He serves as the General Overseer of Charismatic Evangelistic Ministry (CEM) in Accra, Ghana. Each year, Reverend Steve takes the lead in the “Christ to the Rural World” ministry, which aims to bring the message of Jesus to rural areas.

Reverend Steve’s passion lies in extending the Gospel to the unsaved and marginalized populations in Ghana’s rural regions. Notably, he is characterized by his simplicity, peaceful demeanor, and loving attitude towards everyone he encounters.

Evangelists in Ghana

It’s no surprise that Reverend Steve Mensah shares a close friendship with Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills. Their relationship undoubtedly contributes to the fervor and zeal they both possess for soul-winning.

During each Evangelist crusade, various forms of assistance are extended to those in need, including free medical services, medications, food, clothing, and distribution of Bibles and books, among other provisions.

Eastwood Anaba

Evangelists in Ghana

Reverend Eastwood Anaba serves as the founder and president of Eastwood Anaba Ministries (EAM). He is a charismatic preacher with a calling akin to that of a revivalist, ardently proclaiming the Gospel since 1988.

Undoubtedly, Reverend Eastwood’s ministry is marked by remarkable signs and wonders. During his ministry sessions, the blind regain sight, the deaf hear, the lame walk, and the underprivileged receive the Gospel with open hearts.

In the midst of Reverend Eastwood’s ministrations, one may witness various manifestations of the Spirit, including screaming, rolling, shouting, and more. Watching Reverend Eastwood minister invokes thoughts of Philip the Evangelist, as described in Acts 8:4: “Then Philip went down to Samaria and preached Christ unto them.

Evangelists in Ghana

And the people with one accord gave heed unto the things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did.”

Similarly, when Reverend Eastwood ministers and proclaims Christ, many witness the miraculous works that accompany his message. He is also a sought-after speaker, delivering his message on a global scale. Currently, he leads the “Love Revolution” campaign, which aims to revive the Ghanaian church. Furthermore, he has authored a remarkable collection of over 90 books.


The knowledge that Jesus died for our sins and the acceptance of this truth won’t be realized by individuals unless it is conveyed to them. The spread of Jesus’s gospel throughout the world requires proactive individuals to carry it.

These Evangelists in Ghana have humbly allowed themselves to be instruments of God, delivering the gospel message with accompanying signs and wonders.

Their actions are intended to serve as an inspiration, encouraging us to believe that we, too, can be vessels for God’s great works.