Christian leadership Resources for Pastors | Dag Heward-Mills

Leadership is often misunderstood in the context of ministry. While it is frequently associated with business strategies and secular organizations, leadership is at the core of God’s work in building His church. It is not simply a practical skill for the workplace but a spiritual responsibility for those called to guide God’s people. Leadership in the church matters because everything depends on it. Strong, godly leaders inspire growth, create direction, and safeguard the church’s mission. Without effective leadership, the church cannot thrive as God intends.

The Bible consistently highlights the importance of leadership, showing that leaders play a crucial role in God’s plans. Proverbs 11:14 declares, “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.” Similarly, Jeremiah 23:1-4 demonstrates how God is deeply concerned with the quality of leadership, promising to raise faithful shepherds to care for His people. These passages reveal leaders’ significant responsibility in ensuring God’s flock’s well-being.

One modern-day champion of pastoral leadership is Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, a globally respected pastor, teacher, and author. His extensive ministry has empowered countless pastors and church leaders through his insightful books, conferences, and teachings. In this article, we will explore the biblical foundations of leadership, the invaluable principles taught in Bishop Dag’s books like The Art of Leadership and The Art of Shepherding, and the profound impact of his ministry on leaders across the globe.

Why Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership

One of the central ideas in Bishop Dag Heward-Mills’ The Art of Leadership is that “everything depends on leadership.” Whether it’s a nation, a business, or a church, the quality of leadership determines the outcome. Good leadership leads to growth, progress, and stability, while poor leadership results in failure, confusion, and even destruction. This principle is clearly demonstrated in Scripture.

Proverbs 11:14 reminds us that without guidance, people fall. Leadership is the mechanism through which guidance is provided, and it is crucial for the safety and success of God’s people. In the book of Jeremiah, we see God rebuke the shepherds who have misled and scattered His flock, saying, “Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture!” (Jeremiah 23:1). However, God also promises to “raise up shepherds over them who will shepherd them,” ensuring His people will be cared for and will no longer fear or be dismayed (Jeremiah 23:4). These verses highlight how everything in the church rises and falls on leadership.

Leadership in the church is not just about organizational skills or strategy—it’s about guiding God’s people in His will, providing spiritual nourishment, and protecting the flock from harm. Without strong, godly leaders, churches become like sheep without a shepherd—vulnerable and directionless.

Leadership Is Both Biblical and Essential

Although leadership is often perceived as a secular concept, it is rooted in the Bible and is essential for building the church. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is filled with examples of leaders whom God used to accomplish His purposes. Moses, Joshua, David, and Nehemiah in the Old Testament, and Jesus, Paul, and Peter in the New Testament, all demonstrate the critical role of leadership in fulfilling God’s plans.

The Bible portrays leadership as a divine calling. Romans 12:8 lists leadership as one of the spiritual gifts, emphasizing that it is not simply a human skill but a grace given by God. Jesus Himself modeled servant leadership, teaching that true greatness lies in serving others: “The greatest among you will be your servant” (Matthew 23:11). This principle is central to Christian leadership and sets it apart from the self-centered, power-driven leadership often seen in the world.

In The Art of Leadership, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills explains that leadership is about influence, vision, and service. It’s the ability to guide people toward a goal and inspire them to follow. In the church, this means helping people grow in their faith, equipping them for ministry, and leading them in the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Far from being a secular idea, leadership is a spiritual responsibility that pastors and church leaders must embrace.

Caring for God’s People: Lessons from The Art of Shepherding

Christian leadership Resources for Pastors

The Art of Shepherding by Bishop Dag Heward-Mills is a profound and practical guide for pastors and church leaders on how to effectively care for God’s people. In this book, Bishop Dag teaches that the role of a shepherd goes beyond preaching and administration—it’s about nurturing, guiding, and protecting the flock. The book draws on Jesus’ example as the Good Shepherd, who intimately knows His sheep and lays down His life for them (John 10:14-15).

One of the key lessons in The Art of Shepherding is the importance of personal connection. Bishop Dag explains that a shepherd must know the state of their flock and be involved in their lives. This means taking the time to counsel members, address their needs, and walk alongside them in their spiritual journeys. He reminds pastors that true shepherding requires both love and sacrifice.

Bishop Dag also provides practical strategies for shepherding, such as conducting home visits, organizing prayer meetings, and being available in times of crisis. He encourages leaders to be proactive in reaching out to their members and to create an environment where people feel cared for and valued.

Above all, The Art of Shepherding emphasizes the need for a shepherd’s heart—one that is committed to the well-being of the sheep and dedicated to serving God faithfully. This book is an essential resource for pastors who desire to lead their congregations with compassion and wisdom.

Practical Leadership for Ministry: Insights from The Art of Leadership

Christian leadership Resources for Pastors

Bishop Dag Heward-Mills’ The Art of Leadership is a powerful resource that equips pastors and church leaders with the tools and principles needed to lead effectively. In the chapter “How Leadership is Discussed in the Bible,” Bishop Dag emphasizes that leadership is essential for fulfilling God’s purposes. He highlights the examples of biblical leaders like Moses, Joshua, and Paul, who played pivotal roles in guiding God’s people toward His plans.

The book teaches that leadership is about vision, influence, and responsibility. Bishop Dag explains that a leader must have a clear vision of where they are going and the ability to inspire others to follow. Using the example of Moses, he demonstrates that leadership requires dependence on God and the courage to face challenges. He also draws from Jesus’ teachings on servant leadership, reminding pastors that true greatness comes from serving others with humility and love (Matthew 23:11).

In The Art of Leadership, Bishop Dag offers practical guidance on critical aspects of leadership, such as building a team, resolving conflicts, and maintaining personal discipline. He warns leaders against common pitfalls, such as pride and complacency, and challenges them to continually grow in their character and skills.

This book is a comprehensive guide that provides both spiritual insight and practical advice for leaders at every stage of their journey. It is an invaluable resource for pastors who desire to fulfill their calling and lead their churches with excellence.

Equipping Leaders Through the Give Thyself Wholly Conference

Christian leadership Resources for Pastors

In addition to his books, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills has had a profound impact on pastors and church leaders through his annual pastoral conference, Give Thyself Wholly. Held in different parts of the world, this conference is a life-changing event designed to equip pastors and church leaders with the knowledge, tools, and spiritual resources they need to succeed in ministry.

The name of the conference is taken from 1 Timothy 4:15, where Paul urges Timothy to “give thyself wholly” to the work of the ministry. This theme is reflected in the sessions, teachings, and workshops led by Bishop Dag and other seasoned leaders. The conference focuses on practical topics such as church planting, soul-winning, leadership development, and pastoral care, all with the goal of empowering attendees to excel in their calling.

One of the unique features of Give Thyself Wholly is its emphasis on both spiritual growth and practical ministry skills. Participants leave the conference not only inspired but equipped with actionable strategies to grow their churches, disciple their members, and reach their communities. Bishop Dag’s ability to combine biblical truths with real-world application has made this conference a must-attend event for pastors worldwide.

Through Give Thyself Wholly, Bishop Dag continues to raise up a generation of strong, godly leaders who are prepared to fulfill the Great Commission. The impact of this conference, combined with his books and teachings, has made Bishop Dag a true leader in equipping pastors for effective ministry.

Why Pastors Need Leadership Resources

The work of a pastor is demanding and multifaceted. From preaching and teaching to counseling and administration, pastors face numerous challenges in their daily ministry. Without proper training and resources, it’s easy to become overwhelmed or ineffective. This is why leadership resources like those provided by Bishop Dag Heward-Mills are so important.

Bishop Dag’s books are more than just instructional manuals—they are spiritual tools that equip pastors to lead with wisdom, compassion, and excellence. They offer practical solutions to real-world problems and inspire leaders to pursue God’s vision for their ministries. By investing in their leadership development, pastors not only enhance their own effectiveness but also empower their churches to grow and thrive.

A Lasting Impact

Leadership is not a secular idea—it is a biblical principle and a gift from God. Proverbs 11:14 and Jeremiah 23:1-4 remind us of the importance of guidance and godly shepherds. Bishop Dag Heward-Mills’ ministry serves as a beacon of light for pastors and church leaders, offering them the tools and inspiration they need to lead effectively.

Through his books, the Give Thyself Wholly conference, and training programs, Bishop Dag has raised up a generation of leaders who are transforming lives and building the kingdom of God. His emphasis on leadership as a spiritual discipline has challenged pastors to rise above mediocrity and embrace their divine calling. As we strive to fulfill the Great Commission, may we embrace the call to lead with wisdom, humility, and a heart for God’s people. After all, everything depends on leadership.