Largest Crusades In Africa | The Healing Jesus Campaign

Africa, the second-largest continent, is renowned not only for its vast land and resources but also for hosting some of the largest evangelistic crusades across its many countries. These crusades, aimed at spreading the gospel, have profoundly impacted countless lives, bringing about transformation and healing.

Largest Crusades in Africa

Following the command in Matthew 28:19, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Ghost,” many ministries have organized crusades of various scales, preaching and teaching to numerous souls.

Largest Crusades in Africa

Thousands gather in stadiums and arenas, eagerly anticipating their miracles. Excitement and joy permeate the cities where these crusades are held, and it is evident that God’s power is tangibly felt, leading to the salvation of multitudes. In This article we will be discussing with you what we consider the largest evangelistic campaign happening in Africa today. 

When we talk about mass evangelistic crusades happening around the world, most people think of Reinhard Bonnke. Currently, the Healing Jesus Campaign led by Bishop Dag Heward-Mills is at the forefront of mass evangelism in Africa. 

About Dag Heward-Mills 

Dag Heward-Mills is one of today’s leading evangelists. He is a healing evangelist, bestselling Christian author, and mega church pastor. Born on May 14, 1963, to a Ghanaian father and a Swiss mother, Dag Heward-Mills attended church with his parents from a young age but became born again during his secondary school years.

Largest Crusades in Africa

It was during this period that he learned foundational Christian practices, such as the quiet time. Dag Heward-Mills continues to emphasize that his daily quiet times with the Lord are one of the secrets to his ministry’s success. Years later, during one of these quiet times, he felt called by God to enter full-time ministry.

He began pastoring a church called Lighthouse Chapel International, which has since grown to become one of the largest churches in the world, with over 4,000 branches in more than 90 countries. In addition to his pastoral work, Dag Heward-Mills is a prolific and bestselling Christian author, with over 100 titles covering a wide range of topics related to Christianity. Some of his bestsellers include “Loyalty and Disloyalty,” “The Mega Church,” “The Art of Leadership,” and “A Good General.”

The Healing Jesus campaign holds some of the largest Crusades in Africa

The Healing Jesus campaign is an evangelistic endeavor founded by Dag Heward-Mills dedicated to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ across many nations. The Healing Jesus Campaign started its journey in 2004. Over twenty years, what started as a small gathering has grown into one of the largest evangelistic efforts globally.

The Healing Jesus Campaign has committed to reaching every city, no matter how remote or challenging. From the smallest corners of Burundi to small towns in Madagascar, the Healing Jesus Crusade has made its presence felt.

Largest Crusades in Africa

This electrifying three-day event is filled with miracles, signs, and wonders. As stated in Matthew 11:6, “The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them.” After delivering a powerful salvation message, Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills prays for the crowds to be healed, and the same miracles performed by Jesus are witnessed on each day of the crusade.

Tens of thousands gather in stadiums to give their lives to Jesus Christ, resulting in millions of souls being saved. Over twenty years, the crusade has held six hundred and forty-seven nights of ministry in two hundred and twenty-seven cities across thirty countries. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills and the Healing Jesus Crusade continue to spread the gospel of Jesus to the ends of the earth, transforming lives everywhere they go. The largest crusade attendance of the Healing Jesus Campaign occurred in Ikere, Nigeria, with 1.4 million people attending each night of the event.

Christ for the Nations gospel crusade

Reinhard Bonnke was a German-American evangelist renowned for his evangelistic crusades across Africa. Born again at the age of ten, Bonnke felt a divine calling to be a missionary in Africa.

After his early years in ministry, he had a dream where he heard a voice proclaiming, “Africa Shall Be Saved.” Since 1967, Reinhard Bonnke became a well-known evangelist throughout Africa. His ministry reached 46 out of 56 African countries. In 1974, he founded the mission organization Christ for All Nations (CfaN).

Largest Crusades in Africa

Over his 60-year ministry, Reinhard Bonnke led alot of people to Christ. His crusades attracted massive crowds eager to hear the gospel. Miracles, signs, and wonders marked these gatherings, leaving lasting impacts on the people of Nigeria and many other African countries.

Reinhard Bonnke’s life-changing crusades are remembered fondly across the continent. He remained committed to his calling, dedicating his life to saving souls in Africa. Bonnke passed away on December 7, 2019. His legacy continues through evangelists like Dag Heward-Mills and Daniel Kolenda, who succeeded him in leading Great Gospel Crusades.


Since the passing of Reinhard Bonnke, the Healing Jesus Campaign has been at the forefront of mass evangelism across Africa. Annually, they hold approximately 24 crusades in nearly 12 cities. Each crusade attracts thousands of people who commit their lives to Christ. The miracles that occur during the Healing Jesus Campaign are a testament to God confirming His word through signs and wonders. The gospel must be preached to all the ends of the world before the coming of our lord Jesus christ.