Ray McCauley is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Rhema Bible Church North, as well as the President of Rhema Family Churches and the I.F.C.C. He is also Co-Chairman of the National Religious Leaders Council (NRLC) of South Africa. He lead his first church service at the home of his parents, Jimmy and Doreen, attended by 13 people; today the church has a 45,000 strong congregation.

The church’s international headquarters, Faith Tabernacle, was built in Cannanland between 1998 and 1999, taking twelve months to complete. The foundation laying took place on August 29, 1998. The dedication of the building took place on September 19, 1999 with 97,800 people in attendance. The structure is purported to have been built without any debts. In 1999, the BBC reported that Faith Tabernacle was the largest church the world with respect to how many worshipers it can seat. It has a seating capacity of just over fifty thousand people.

The huge space located at Redeemed Christian Church of God’s Redemption Camp, known as the Congress Arena, measuring at about 3 kl by 3 kl hosts the annual congress, the premiere event in December each year. An estimated crowd of 6 million people can be expected to converge on the arena during the peak celebration of the week long event. You have to book early if you are considering attending the Holy Ghost Congress in December.

As a man of vision, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills’ burning passion for the ministry and for the church to span past this generation, has led him to raise and inspire thousands of others to build an internationally reputable ministry.From the humble beginnings of meetings in a small classroom, there has certainly been astounding growth that continues to spread, only through the power of God. Dag Heward-Mills strongly believes in the biblical great commission and has led his denomination in planting over 3000 churches in 86 different countries worldwide. He has raised over 3000 pastors. His denomination has both acquired and built over 500 buildings. By the grace of God, the ministry of Bishop Dag Heward-Mills has become a movement that has spread dynamically across the globe, blessing people around the world.

In April, 2018, The Deeper Christian Life Ministry had its new headquarters church at Gbagada commissioned with the Vice President of Nigeria, Yemi Osinbajo among the Dignitaries.

In the heart of Seoul, the Yoido Full Gospel Church sits directly across from Korea’s National Assembly. The building is large enough to seat 12,000 people, with overflow sent to nearby buildings, where congregants watch events in the main church on telescreens.